Photo Rejuvenation Treatment

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Carbon World Health offers the IPL Photofacial beauty-miracle at our upscale facility. The IPL Photofacial is a cutting-edge rejuvenation treatment that restores youthfulness and radiance, giving you clear, healthy-looking skin, no matter the age or climate.

IPL Photofacial is a high-tech, high-impact photo-rejuvenation system designed to remedy a range of blemishes and skin imperfections.

Carbon World Health's IPL Photofacial treatment delivers noticeably smoother, more youthful-looking skin over a series of treatment sessions.

Safe and non-invasive, our IPL Photofacial procedure is a top-of-the-line skincare solution that corrects photo-aged skin and evens out tone and texture.

Price list
Treatment 1 Session 4 Sessions
Partial IPL $200 $600
Full IPL $300 $900
Facial Veins $100 n/a
Red Spots $100 n/a
Hands $300 $900
Neck & Decollette $400 $1350
Frequently asked questions

What is IPL Photofacial?

IPL Photofacial is an innovative way to quickly, safely and comfortably improve your skin’s texture, tone and color. Through a non-invasive method of photo-rejuvenation, IPL Photofacial treats photo-aged skin, removes age spots (sun-induced freckles), most benign brown pigments, and redness caused by broken capillaries. IPL Photofacial helps restore a more youthful appearance, leaving skin clearer and healthy looking without any downtime.

How does IPL Photofacial work?

In a series of treatments, pulses of visible light target the surface of your skin to effectively eliminate redness, broken capillaries, brown spots, sun damage, large pores, fine lines, and rosacea and melasma conditions. Upon assessing the degree of skin damage, specific settings are selected by our certified technician to customize IPL Photofacial treatment for best results. Some patients opt for chemical peels or microdermabrasion treatments in conjunction with IPL Photofacial treatments to enhance results.

What areas can IPL Photofacial treat?

Virtually any part of your body with uneven skin tone, diffuse redness, or sun and age spots can be safely treated. The face, chest, shoulders and arms are the most popular areas for IPL Photofacial treatment because they have typically had the most sun exposure. Discrete brown spots, excessively ruddy complexions and skin densely covered with freckles respond well to IPL Photofacial treatment as well.

What happens during IPL Photofacial treatment?

Upon determining an IPL PhotoFacial treatment plan appropriate for the skin conditions being treated, our laser technician will provide you with protective eyewear and apply a cold gel to the areas to be treated. During treatment, our laser technician gently applies the smooth, glass surface of the IPL hand piece to the skin, which feels cool and comfortable. When the pulse of light is delivered to the skin surface you may feel a mild, brief pinching sensation.

How many IPL Photofacial treatments will I need?

On average, 4 to 6 IPL Photofacial treatments are recommended, scheduled at four-week intervals.

What happens after IPL Photofacial treatment?

Immediately following an IPL Photofacial treatment, you may notice a slight reddening of the surrounding skin which typically subsides within a couple of hours. Signs of sun damage and age spots temporarily darken but over the course of the next one to three weeks, darkened spots will fade and flake off and your mottled complexion will clear.

When will I see results?

Many patients see significant improvement within two to three weeks of your IPL Photofacial treatment. Your complexion will be clearer and younger looking. IPL Photofacial provides gradual, natural improvement with excellent long-term results. You will notice a reduction in redness, flushing and dilated capillaries and your skin will look healthier as sun damage, fine lines, pore size, freckling and irregular pigmentation is minimized. Results from a full series of IPL Photofacial treatments usually last for a year or more.

Will the spots and redness reappear over time?

Over time new spots may appear if there is sufficient sun exposure; these too can be removed. Remember to liberally apply sunscreen when outdoors to minimize sun damage and the appearance of new spots and excessive redness.

Are patients satisfied with their IPL Photofacial results?

IPL Photofacial treatments are recognized for a high measure of patient satisfaction. Patients are very pleased with treatment results because the process treats the full face, neck, chest or hands, rather than addressing a single isolated area or imperfection.

pre + post care

Before Treatment

  • No Accutane use for 6 months prior to treatment.

  • The treatment area must be free of any open sores, lesions or skin infections. For treatment of pigmented skin lesions, you should consult a specialist if there is a family or personal history of skin cancer or if you have these concerns.

  • In the rare case that you experience any blistering or scabbing, please call us as soon as possible. Contact us if you experience persistent or unususal redness, swelling or drainage, as antibiotics may be necessary.

After Treatment

  • You will have a mild sunburn sensation following treatment that is usually gone within a few hours. Skin redness, flaking, mild bruising and/or slight edema (swelling) is normal and may last a few days. Blistering is uncommon and when it occurs it is generally not serious. Pigmented areas may begin to flake after a few days.

  • Cold compresses (not ice) and recommended skin care products may be useful to reduce swelling or discomfort. You may takeover-the-counter pain or anti-inflammatory medication.

  • Hydrocortisone(steroid) cream may decrease any itching or skin irritation. Antibiotic ointment (such as Neosporin) may be used if skin is broken, to prevent infection.

  • Your skin will be fragile for 2-3 days. Use gentle cleansers, but do not rub the skin vigorously and avoid hot water during this time. Skin moisturizers may be used immediately and makeup can be applied if the skin is not broken.

  • It is important to avoid sun exposure and tanning creams between treatments. Use SPF 30 or greater on the treatment area at all times.

  • The treatment area may be left open and uncovered. Do not scrub or exfoliate the area. Do not use any products on the treated area without first consulting our staff.

  • Avoid soaking for 24 to 48 hours. No hot tubs, whirlpools or baths, but showers are okay.

  • Avoid excessive sweating for 24 to 48 hours. No saunas or vigorous working out.

  • Avoid irritants, such Retin-A, Retinol, Renova, glycolics, bleaching creams,and exfoliants for one week.

  • Treated area will usually darken after treatments. Crusting of the skin can form. This crusting usually resolves in 1 to 3 weeks. Please allow to naturally flake off for best results.

  • In the rare case that you experience any blistering or scabbing, please call us as soon as possible. Contact us if you experience persistent or unusual redness, swelling or drainage,as antibiotics may be necessary.

Follow Up

  • Follow up treatments should be scheduled every 4 weeks.

  • Microdermabrasion and Chemical Peel should be done in between your IPL and Laser treatments to enhance results.